Halloween is coming and our school is getting ready to celebrate Halloween next wednesday.
Our students have been learning about the traditions and origins of Halloween with their teachers. This year, for the first time, a competition have been already carried out to choose the best pumpkin, the best broomstick, the best witch and wizard hat and the best spooky mask, typical elements of this festivity.
There are very original and creativity works which have really impressed everybody. If you don't believe me, take a look the following pics....
Our students have been learning about the traditions and origins of Halloween with their teachers. This year, for the first time, a competition have been already carried out to choose the best pumpkin, the best broomstick, the best witch and wizard hat and the best spooky mask, typical elements of this festivity.
There are very original and creativity works which have really impressed everybody. If you don't believe me, take a look the following pics....
On the other hand, our bilingual students have also been working in differents crafts to decorate our classes and hallways, with bats, spiders, witches and pumpkins.
Fifth grade A students have created these fantastic bats...
Fith grade B, these horrible spiders...
Sixth grade A, these terrorify witches...
Halloween se acerca y como cada año nuestro colegio está preparado para celebrarlo.
Durante las semanas previas las especialistas de inglés, en sus diferentes cursos han trabajado los aspectos relacionados con esta celebración, el origen de Halloween, sus costumbres, sus recetas, juegos tradicionales, etc. Así como desde la sección bilingüe donde nuestros alumn@s con la ayuda de su teacher Ana, han realizado en el área de "Art", distintas manualidades.
Además como novedad este año, hemos llevado a cabo diferentes concursos con dicha temática. Concurso de gorros de brujas y brujos, de escobas de bruja, de calabazas terroríficas y de escalofriantes máscaras.
Ya podemos ver en nuestro pasillo central los trabajos tan impresionantes, originales y creativos que han realizado l@s alumn@s con sus familias. Gracias a todos por el esfuerzo, los ganadores los conoceremos mañana miércoles 31.
Happy Halloween!!!!